The buildup to World Eating Disorder Action Day on June 2 is gathering pace like a beautiful breeze heralding goodwill to all. From a ground force swell, support for this historic event is reaching into all corners of the globe. Including Korea. For eating disorders do not discriminate. They affect people all ages and all races.
Koreans, like people everywhere, develop eating disorders, including Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. Which is why I am especially delighted this week, to learn the new, second version of Getting Better Bite by Bite, co-authored with Professors Ulrike Schmidt and Janet Treasure, is to be translated into the Korean language.
Everyone in the world deserves to know that an eating disorder is an illness, a very serious illness. It is not a choice. And importantly, there are treatments to help you heal. But we need more research, more treatments, more training for health practitioners, more accessible support — including in the home — for sufferers and their families. Help spread the word.
Join me in supporting World Eating Disorders Action Day.
Be sure to follow along on twitter @WorldEDDay and hashtag #WeDoAct, #WorldEDActionDay, @WorldEatingDisordersAction on Instagram and
World Eating Disorders Action Day on Facebook.