Emily Troscianko

Emily Troscianko

All Articles by Emily Troscianko

I’m a writer, researcher, blogger, and recovery coach, with particular interests in eating disorders, consciousness, and the psychological effects of reading narrative. My research background is in cognitive literary studies—my first monograph, Kafka’s Cognitive Realism (2014), explored experiences of the “Kafkaesque”—and after my PhD I started to apply the methods I’d developed for studying readers’ responses in general to the more specific question of how these responses affect and are affected by illness, with a focus on eating disorders. I’ve also written for the journal Frontiers in Psychology on the importance of treating eating disorders as disorders of eating, i.e. not getting distracted from putting behaviour change centre-stage. My Psychology Today blog A Hunger Artist explores how to actually do so, drawing on what I learn through research and coaching as well as my own past experience of anorexia and recovery. In the rest of life, I love strength training, narrow-boating, strong cocktails, and escaping into mountainous wildernesses (on foot on or skis).
You can contact me via my website https://troscianko.com

Recovery memoir pre-publication study: inviting participants

Help shape the future of an unpublished book about recovery from anorexia A new study run by Oxford University researchers is investigating the effects of reading a memoir about recovery from anorexia prior to publication. Key points: Existing findings on bibliotherapy for eating disorders suggest potential for significant help and harm. Participants are invited for..

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