Iris Ruth Pastor

Iris Ruth Pastor

All Articles by Iris Ruth Pastor

Iris Ruth Pastor is an award-winning storyteller, author and speaker whose mantra is “Preserving Your Bloom” – encouraging people to use their talents and resources to be the best they can be. She shares her forty-six year-long battle with bulimia in her newest book: The Secret Life of a Weight-Obsessed Woman.

Iris, who resides in Florida (the Sunshine State) in the U.S, travels the country enthralling audiences with actionable suggestions on living life to the fullest. Her slice-of-life column, “Incidentally, Iris,” appears in newspapers, blog sites and in her weekly newsletter. Iris is also past managing editor of the American Israelite.

What’s her passion? Raising awareness about the large number of midlife and boomer women suffering with disordered eating and encouraging them to seek professional help.

What’s her newest project? Transforming her book into a musical.

What’s her message? Being the best version of yourself.

Boomer blooms after beating bulimia

I was bulimic for 46 years. My eating disorder (ED) first came to court me in 1966 when I was an out-of-state transfer student 1000 miles from my mom and dad for the very first time. My high school boyfriend had just broken up with me. I was unsure about a major field of study...

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