Jessica Kline

Jessica Kline

All Articles by Jessica Kline

Jessica Kline grew up in Rochester, NY and now resides in Verona, NJ with her husband and three children. She is a publisher and editor for a hyper-local digital publication, Macaroni Kid ((, as a go-to resource connecting local families and businesses. She still frequents the Finger Lakes, exercises in a healthy way, and enjoys eating ice cream and pizza alongside her children. She considers herself an empath and that all roads have led her to the person who she is today, a happy wife, mom, daughter, sister, and niece.

Motherhood brought clarity to my childhood anorexia

I sit here, at almost 38 years old, reflecting on the years that have shaped who I am. Have you read Steven Levonkron’s book, The Best Little Girl in the World? That was me. Parts of me still have that inner child, but I can now speak from a more mature, seasoned soul who has..

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