Joey Liang

Joey Liang

All Articles by Joey Liang

I was born and raised in China and came to the Unites States for college. After recovering from Bulimia, my passion to create tools to assist those with eating disorders has led to the creation of Brighter Bite — a FREE mobile application for recovery.

If you’re interested in learning about the app I built, you can check it out here:

Google Play Store (Android)

Apple App Store (iOS)

The app has a “Coping Chat” that gives you bite size therapy whenever and wherever using ACT and DBT therapy techniques, tools to track meals, mood/thoughts, and eating disorder related behaviors , and also a summary of  essential recovery resources including knowledge, treatment, communities, etc. And everything is free.

I would love to hear how you feel about the app, what did you like, what did you not like, what did you feel like was missing? That way, I can continuously improve the app with your help, to better assist those in need!

Bulimia experience inspires Brighter Bite App to aid recovery

Here, for the first time, I am sharing my eating disorder story publicly. Since my recovery, I have turned the negative energy of the illness into a positive, by creating an app to help people navigate, track, and recover from eating disorders. This mobile application is called Brighter Bite. I was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa..

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