Judy Rabinor

Judy Rabinor

All Articles by Judy Rabinor

I have recently published my memoir, The Girl in the Red Boots: Making Peace with My Mother (She Writes Press, 2021). I have lived in the metropolitan area of New York City for most of my life; my roots are here, sturdily planted. My grandmother was a writer and she passed me the torch. I became a psychologist in my late 30s and have managed to juggle these two amazingly interesting and creative career paths. I am a therapist, writing coach, workshop and retreat leader and have written dozens of articles and two previous books: A Starving Madness: Tales of Hunger, Hopeand Healing in Psychotherapy (Gurze Books, 2002), Befriending Your Ex After Divorce: Making Life Better for You, Your Kids, and Yes, Your Ex (New Harbinger Publications, 2012).

Email: jrrabinor@gmail.com

When Mother’s Day hurts

Mother’s Day is often a bittersweet holiday for the many of us who struggle with mother loss.  And mother loss wears many hats. Just recently, 36-year-old Lara came into my office in tears. “I went to buy a card for my mother,” Lara said, and proceeded to describe her frustration. After 20 minutes of browsing..

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