Mandy Scott

Mandy Scott

All Articles by Mandy Scott

After being diagnosed with Anorexia aged 12 and hospitalised twice for the best part of a year during my teens, I wanted to use my experience as a positive in helping others understand the nature of eating disorders and how they can help. I have met hundreds of sufferers over the years and whilst I don’t believe there is a miracle bean to make the illness disappear, you can definitely learn to manage your symptoms and sufferers can still have a good quality of life if they obtain the right help as early as possible.

After years working as a registered mental health nurse in the National Health Service, I have been fortunate enough to go on to set up an Eating Disorder Charity, PEDS ( with my colleague and best friend, Children’s Nurse, Sue Rattle

Supporting Someone with an Eating Disorder During COVID-19

A COVID-19 has led to a surge in the number of people struggling with an eating disorder. Secondary care specialist eating disorder teams are stretched beyond their capacity and waiting lists continue to grow. GPs are growing increasingly anxious how best to manage these high-risk patients, and families are feeling desperate when asking for help...

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