Scarlett Croce

Scarlett Croce

All Articles by Scarlett Croce

I’m a PhD student at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. I am interested in eating disorders and how our sense of identity is connected to mental health. I completed a Bachelor of Arts and Honours degree in Psychology at Deakin University during which I developed a passion for psychological research. I began my PhD in 2021 and am thoroughly enjoying the experience. As of this year, I have also commenced a Masters in Clinical Psychology alongside my PhD with the goal of becoming a researcher-clinician ─ someone who is able to use their work with clients to inform their research and vice versa to improve both. Outside of psychology, I have a deep love of philosophy, baking, and my two cats, Bella and Tabitha. I have also been studying Japanese for the past three years which is a challenging but highly rewarding hobby!

Sense of self and body image in anorexia nervosa: Call for participants

My story with eating disorders began at my first full-time job. I was two years out of university when offered a position with the Eating Disorders Service at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. I felt a thrill to be starting in a new, challenging role as a research coordinator, but the nerves hit with the..

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