Sophie Smith

Sophie Smith

All Articles by Sophie Smith

I am an eating disorders advocate and speaker with The Butterfly Foundation in Australia. After somewhat stumbling into advocacy work in 2019, she am now extremely passionate about raising awareness around eating disorders and doing my part to smash diet culture. I am studying for my Masters degree in Social Work at university and aspire to work in the eating disorders field after graduation, so I can help others. Through my advocacy work, I have  had many amazing opportunities such as consulting on the National Eating Disorders Research and Translation Strategy and the upcoming Eating Disorder Credential for professionals. I have also been in the media, on podcasts and given talks about my recovery experience. I am a huge advocate for social justice, intuitive eating and the Health At Every Size paradigm. Outside of advocacy, I love dancing, watching TV with my twin sister and I am a massive fan of Taylor Swift.

The cost when ‘eating healthy’ becomes an eating disorder

My eating disorder started when I was 15 and in Year 10. My illness was probably triggered by multiple factors, but the one I remember most was having to weigh myself in the physical education class as part of our fitness testing. I noticed that I was gaining weight but not getting any taller and,..

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