About Sophie
Sophie Szew is a Jewtina and mental health warrior from Los Angeles who is passionate about advocacy and social justice on all fronts. Since recovering from an eating disorder in 2019, her writing (both poetry and personal narratives) has been published in a number of outlets, including FEAST, the Dillydoun Review, Channel Kindness, and Jewtina y Co, among others. This year, she founded the Youth Latinx Leadership Conference, (https://www.youthlatinxleadership.org/) a student run organization that connects Latinx student leaders to the resources to succeed as future change-makers. She also spends her time teaching undocumented and unaccompanied children and bringing awareness to issues that affect BIPOC communities though her work with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation and her congressional internship!
As a little girl, I was a wine glass, round and full of sweet red purple liquid. I didn’t know it was rotten until you put my rim to your lips and raised me into a champagne flute but you thinned me out too much and the liquid you lit inside me was sparkly bitter..
In this free podcast, Dr June Alexander reads her memoir, written almost entirely from her diaries, which she began writing at the age of 12.
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Do you want to write your story but need some guidance? Professional one-on-one memoir mentoring offers numerous benefits.
The Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) Radio 774, in the Conversation Hour on January 13, discussed the effects of food shortages due to the pandemic. I describe the impact on people with eating disorders.
My segment starts 34.30 mark.
The diary, a book in which a daily record of events and personal experiences can be kept, offers a window into life in the past.
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Life Stories Diary offers a safe and supportive environment in which to share your story. Sharing your story can help you to develop a sense of belonging and connectedness with self and others.
Share Your StoryThe knowledge communicated on this website is for informational purposes only. June is not a therapist, doctor, dietitian, or mental healthcare practitioner, and therefore does not provide medical advice.
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