Tag: diary

Making your diary your personal advocate


By June Alexander Your diary can be your friend when you are struggling with an eating disorder or other life crisis. Confusion, pain, anger and sadness may be offloaded into this private refuge.  However, what can you do if this process of private writing perpetuates bad feelings, instead of helping...

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My friend the diary (part 3): Using your diary as a “get to know me” power tool


Using a diary as an agent for recovery and change by June Alexander When I began recovery from a long-term eating disorder, my diary became an agent for change – supporting “me” rather than my illness. For example, it became a place to explore and reflect on painful experiences from...

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Breaking the engagement with ED, the secretive, obsessive lover


by June Alexander and Emily Murray What happens when you become engaged and marry while experiencing an eating disorder? To illustrate what can happen, here are two love stories. The first story is mine, which began when I was 16 and fell in love with George, and the second belongs...

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How diary writing helped me to survive and heal from an eating disorder


“When I was 11 years old, I developed anorexia nervosa. The same year, I received a diary as a Christmas gift.”     A gift of a diary, in the same year I developed anorexia nervosa at age 11, became an instant friend. The first entry, on January 1, 1963,...

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Listen to June Alexander speak about writing on the Creating Space Project podcast


To hear how diary writing has helped June to heal from an eating disorder, listen here as she speaks to Ruth Nelson on the Creating Space Project podcast series. In this podcast series, Ruth interviews women and asks them for a personal story. By exploring this way of using her skills as a psychologist...

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It’s time to talk about — why I love my diary


Dear Diary welcomes entries from diarists everywhere. This week, guest diarist Yasemin Merwende shares her love of journal writing in relation to National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.  “Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.”  ― Christina Baldwin My first diary was small; it was black with gold trimmed paper and...

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Binge eat? A self-help guide for sufferers and carers


If you binge eat or have bulimia, this new book will help you map your way to freedom: AED Forum Newsletter, Book Review Corner Peter Doyle, AED Book Reviewer Getting Better Bite by Bite: A Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorders (Second Edition) by Ulrike Schmidt, Janet...

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