Share Your Story

On Life Stories Diary

Your story is important

Share it on Life Stories Diary

Life Stories Diary offers a safe and supportive environment in which to share your story. Sharing your story can help you to develop a sense of belonging and connectedness with self and others. Stories that provide a message of hope in coping with life challenges are especially welcome. Share your story today.

Story guidelines

Length: 800 to 1000 words. Format: in first person. Recommended themes: Resilience, recovery, hope, overcoming challenges, healing from adverse life experience.

First-person stories that deliver inspiring messages about human endeavour, pushing boundaries and building self-belief are invited. Do you have a story about adjusting to, managing, overcoming, and/or addressing a major life challenge? Themes may include eating disorders and other forms of mental illness, disabilities, trauma, or plain bad luck.

Stories are also invited from caregivers, health professionals and researchers about their work.

Assistance is provided in shaping your story, so don’t hesitate to get in touch. A brief bio and headshot will be required if your story is accepted for publication on the Dear Diary Blog.

To get started, fill out the form below and hit send.