The National Eating Disorders Association and the PBS program This Emotional Life have co-produced a webinar on eating disorder recovery. The webinar, which runs for 60 minutes, is hosted by NEDA CEO Lynn Grefe and features helpful discussion with both males and females with eating disorder experience, together with professionals, on the definition of RECOVERY. There is also interesting discussion on prevention of eating disorders.
To listen to and watch this discussion, go to: Recovery from an Eating Disorder: What Does Real Recovery Look Like? from NEDA on Vimeo.
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Video links and articles from Maudsley Parents
You are not alone – reach out for help and support
Wherever you are, please know that you are not alone in your struggle with an eating disorder. The bravest step you can take is to reach out for help. While in London for the inaugural National Family Network Day organized by the UK’s largest non-profit eating disorder association, BEAT, I spoke with two women whose organizations offer online support to families around the world every day.
They are BEAT chief executive Susan Ringwood of b-eat (left)and Laura Collins (right), eating disorder parent activist and executive director of F.E.A.S.T.
Channel 9 news interview – In the Genes from GTV News Library.