More than 200 people have signed the petition calling for a 24-hour support line for eating disorder sufferers in Australia. If you have yet to sign,
do so here. Let’s help make a difference. Share with your friends, families, colleagues – everybody on your contact list! We need to make a noise at the highest level for the children, adolescents and adults who are too sick with ‘ED’ to speak for themselves. We also need to make a noise on behalf of the carers, who work so selflessly and tirelessly, most often in isolated circumstances, looking after their loved ones. A support line will help them, too.
A signatory to the petition writes:
A 24/7 helpline would be so wonderful because there’s nothing anorexia does so well as make you feel alone. It doesn’t help that many specialised ED services are so darned expensive. When I moved to Melbourne three years ago, I didn’t get the counselling I needed because of the expense. No counselling resulted in a bad relapse and lots of expensive treatment anyway. A short phone call, even a daily phone call if needs be, may have made the difference between my staying moderately healthy and having a relapse. I’m sure it would make a difference for other sufferers, too.
_ Anonymous
Thank you for your support.