Red book a teacher for carers – ED specialist

Red book a teacher for carers – ED specialist

Ed says U said - clinicians are recommending this book to carers to help them understand the ED voice.

Ed says U said – clinicians are recommending this book to carers to help them understand the ED voice. (Australians, click here).

Just want to say what a fab book this is, June … Ed says U said has filled the difficult gap in my carer groups. It was always difficult to get the carers go fully understand the ED voice, but this will make it much clearer… thank you….

People who experience eating disorders know what the eating disorder bully is like.


The worst bully in the world!

Can’t see it. It hides in your mind. Other people think you are difficult, self-centred, moody, unthoughtful, uncommunicative – and much more.

They don’t understand what it is like to have an eating disorder bossing you about, tormenting you, every second of every hour of every day.

So, Cate Sangster and I decided to do something about it. We have written Ed says U said to help people understand the voice of the eating disorder;  yes, this includes you: carers, families, partners, clinicians, teachers, friends, extended family members.  Ed says U said is an eating disorder translator, written in an easy to read and easy to understand style.

The best teachers in understanding the eating disorder voice are those who have experienced the illness. Our top researchers know and respect this. We are very grateful to them for acknowledging and believing in us. Beyond and in spite of this debilitating illness, we are people in our own right, worthy of respect. Read Ed says U said and you will understand why.

Most importantly, you will understand how you can help confront and get rid of ‘Ed’. Without this book you might think you are helping, but may in fact be inciting and strengthening the illness. Ed says U said explains why.


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