Rainbow shows the way in eating disorders – aim high, aim for the sky

Rainbow shows the way in eating disorders – aim high, aim for the sky

FullSizeRenderIMG_2576 Rainbow treat: This link is for everyone who loves rainbows like my grand daughter, Olivia Rose, age five, who adores them. I felt like a five-year-old myself.
I stopped the car on busy road this afternoon to soak up the beauty of Nature. How blessed are we! My first attempt at a video, such is life as a young-at-heart grandma:-).

I am so, so glad I did not give up in the struggle to regain authentic self from my eating disorder. The rainbow reminds us of the beauty of life; how clever and colourful it is.

A rainbow is everything that an eating disorder strives not to be. An eating disorder isolates, encourages secrets, hides, is dark and secluding. A rainbow is out in the open, colourful, embracing, joyous, sharing with all. Nature’s gifts give us strength and food for our soul. And a message to share.

Let’s talk about eating disorders and put them out in the open, just like the rainbow. It is time for eating disorders to come out of the clouds of darkness, into the light, where everyone can see.



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