When Grandma Found her Voice: It’s Never Too Late to Recover from an Eating Disorder

When Grandma Found her Voice: It’s Never Too Late to Recover from an Eating Disorder

My mother and me. She 'lost' me after only 11 years, when I developed Anorexia. And I lost her. I wish my family had the opportunity of learning about Family Based Treatment. I want this early intervention for all children who develop an eating disorder today.

My mother and me. She ‘lost’ me after only 11 years, when I developed Anorexia. And I lost her. I wish my family had the opportunity of learning about Family Based Treatment. I want this early intervention to be available for all children who develop an eating disorder today.

To go from suffering silently, feeling alienated and misunderstood as a child, to be helping to organise the first World Eating Disorders Action Day on June 2, is a pinnacle moment in my life. This is my story.
wed_logoTo be working with others, around the world, who share a passion to do what it takes for eating disorders to be acknowledged as a serious illness, is a super meaningful experience.

Everyone involved on this ground force mission that is attracting global attention has had their life touched by an eating disorder.

I am grateful to everyone who has shared my journey, for helping me get this far in life.

Could not have got this far without my family and friends, and the ever-patient members of my treatment team over decades.

See the full story here.

Join me in supporting World Eating Disorders Action Day. Be sure to follow along on twitter @WorldEDDay and hashtag #WeDoAct, #WorldEDAction;  and Facebook World Eating Disorders Day

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