Workshop on the diary as a therapeutic tool for eating disorders

Workshop on the diary as a therapeutic tool for eating disorders

A memorable ‘double premiere’ occurred in Brisbane, Australia, yesterday…the young, highly motivated team at the Centre for Integrative Health held their first workshop and I was honoured to be the presenter, with The Diary Healer as the focus. Thank you, Dr Kiera Buchanan, Kate Pollard, Marita Cooper and Alanah Robinson from CFIH and also I extend appreciation to the health practitioners from a range of careers in the field, who participated in, and contributed to, this inaugural event. Together we discussed and explored how the diary can be a patient-centred tool in assisting patients with self-renewal and eating disorder recovery.

With health professionals like Kiera, Kate, Marita and Alanah ready to explore innovative ways of providing treatment and support for people of all ages with eating disorders, our future in this complex and challenging field is looking brighter by the day.

I look forward to more opportunities to share my love of the diary and to encourage the inclusion of narrative expression in the eating disorder recovery toolkit.

using-writing-as-a-therapy-for-eating-disorders_fawTo discuss/book a diary workshop event for health professionals and/or for people with eating disorders, on Using Writing as a Therapy for Eating Disorders – The Diary Healer, email:

Happy to travel anywhere! 


Here are some pictures of the first full-day workshop on Using Writing as a Therapy for Eating Disorders – The Diary Healer. Enjoy! And if you have not already started, begin a diary today!

First picture, from left to right: Marita, Kate, Alanah, myself and Kiera; second and third pictures, samples of discussion; fourth picture, we are celebrating life, workshops, diaries as a power tool in eating disorder recovery and the therapeutic relationship!



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