Chapter 2: My Illness Deepens

Chapter 2: My Illness Deepens

Chapter 2: My Illness Deepens

A Girl Called Tim
A Girl Called Tim
Chapter 2: My Illness Deepens

Hello, I am June Alexander, and I am the author of a memoir called A Girl Called Tim: Escape From an Eating Disorder Hell. I am reading my book throughout chapter by chapter, to share with you. You can purchase the book online as an eBook or you can purchase the paperback, but I thought you might also like to hear me read the book. It’s basically about how I developed an eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa at age 11, and then I tell the story of how I eventually recovered, not until my 50’s, and then started to lead a very full and happy life, including, besides writing the memoir, another 10 books.

So here we go today: chapter 2. And the title of the chapter is: My Illness Deepens.

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