Tag: Binge Eating Disorder

advocacy Family diets were the norm when Faith was a child

Family diets were the norm when Faith was a child


I usually say it all started in 2020 when I was 14, but I don’t know if that’s true. I mean, yeah, that’s when I began to lose weight, but I hated myself well before then. My family had been on and off “family diets” since I was young. I...

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advocacy Love and shame: exploring my most difficult emotions

Love and shame: exploring my most difficult emotions


In learning to recognise my needs and have them met, I’ve also learnt more about emotions and their role in my life. A decade ago, when I was about 40 years old, a four-year-old asked why I was so fat. It was one of those moments when something shifted. If...

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Eating Disorders The Role of a Support Person in Eating Disorder Treatment

The Role of a Support Person in Eating Disorder Treatment


The most important thing you can do when assisting someone with an eating disorder is to prepare by educating yourself as much as possible about eating disorders. You will need to constantly remind yourself that behind this illness is the person you are trying to reach and care for. The...

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Eating Disorders Changing the chatter on body image with ‘KIT’ the Chatbot

Changing the chatter on body image with ‘KIT’ the Chatbot


The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating impacts on people struggling with body image issues and eating disorders. A new world-first chatbot, launched in collaboration with the Butterfly Foundation, is providing much needed support to these people and their loved ones. The chatbox is providing hope to the one in three young...

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Eating Disorders Supporting Someone with an Eating Disorder During COVID-19

Supporting Someone with an Eating Disorder During COVID-19


A COVID-19 has led to a surge in the number of people struggling with an eating disorder. Secondary care specialist eating disorder teams are stretched beyond their capacity and waiting lists continue to grow. GPs are growing increasingly anxious how best to manage these high-risk patients, and families are feeling...

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Eating Disorders This Girl Rising: online self-help eating disorder program fills gap

This Girl Rising: online self-help eating disorder program fills gap


By Michelle Southern and Jennifer Hamer Two Australian-based women, Michelle and Jennifer, have created an online self-help eating disorder program to help address gaps in accessible and adequate treatment and care. Michelle and Jennifer bring first-hand understanding to the fore — their lives, studies and careers have been shaped through...

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Eating Disorders Studying the impact of personality traits in people with eating disorders

Studying the impact of personality traits in people with eating disorders


From a clinical and research perspective, Eating Disorders (EDs) are interesting, almost unique, in that despite not wanting to have an ED, many people continue to engage in behaviour that can be dangerous and even deadly. More concerning is that people with an ED can often have a poor prognosis,...

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June interviewed by bay 939 Geelong


June was interviewed on 22 September by Daryl Reader on bay 939 Geelong regarding the launch of the Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI). Listen to the interview here.

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Eating Disorders A talk on body confidence in children hits home with mother

A talk on body confidence in children hits home with mother


It was like receiving a great big slap in the face. Sitting with my friend Lisa in an auditorium surrounded by a bunch of strangers, my mind was wondering, ‘Do they all know about me?’, ‘I wonder if any of them have an eating disorder?’ Instantly, my insecurities set in; I felt like a big neon sign was astride my head, flashing ‘Eating disorder...

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Eating Disorders Can’t afford to wait: Tips to control and overcome your binge eating

Can’t afford to wait: Tips to control and overcome your binge eating


Binge eating is generally caused by negative mood states. For example Dr Jake Linardon says it is not uncommon for people to binge after getting into an argument with a partner, or when feeling lonely. Dr Linardon offers some healthy strategies to replace those of that are illness-driven. Binge eating...

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