Tag: diet culture

advocacy The personal trainer said, ‘You have body trust issues’

The personal trainer said, ‘You have body trust issues’


A decade ago, my husband and I purchased an elliptical machine from a store that specialized in exercise equipment. The purchase price included a complementary session with a personal trainer. We took advantage of this offer, mostly to get some valuable pointers on how to use the machine and all...

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advocacy Things I learned from my eating disorder 

Things I learned from my eating disorder 


Almost three years have passed since I began to recover from anorexia nervosa. In July 2020, my 65th birthday was coming up and I could not remember a time without eating disorder thoughts and behaviors. Eating disorders are devious and sneaky; mine defied discovery for decades. Now I know better,...

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advocacy Shifting beliefs around diet culture and anti-fat bias

Shifting beliefs around diet culture and anti-fat bias


Utopia: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) In sixth grade, my class was asked to write a paper entitled Utopia. The year was 1966-67, when the United States was embroiled in the Vietnam war, peace protests and race riots. My class was...

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Life Writing Revisiting my childhood relationship with food

Revisiting my childhood relationship with food

Jennifer Hamer When poring through old photographs I stumbled across some pictures of my childhood. In one picture, I am walking along the beach with my nan. I’m holding a doughnut, and am enjoying the yumminess of the sweet dough as I take bite after bite. This image got me...

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Eating Disorders How motherhood inspired this dancer to heal from her eating disorder

How motherhood inspired this dancer to heal from her eating disorder


“I HAD an eating disorder.” This sentence has left my mouth frequently over the past two decades. I was 19-years-old when diagnosed with an eating disorder (ED). At the time, I had no idea that cutting out refined sugar and carbohydrates as a method to get in shape would spiral...

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Eating Disorders Is gaining weight the worst outcome for me during a global pandemic?

Is gaining weight the worst outcome for me during a global pandemic?


I have pondered this question repeatedly for the past few months. Sometimes it has kept me awake at night, because what if ‘it’ happens while I am not paying attention? What if the weight creeps in unannounced and I can’t do anything to stop it?  I panic. “I can’t let...

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Eating Disorders Protecting Our Kids from Diet Culture

Protecting Our Kids from Diet Culture


From the moment we’re born, we are exposed to this constant idea that thin is good, and fat is bad. In an increasingly health conscious society, we’re pounded with messages about the health dangers of the “obesity epidemic”, and simultaneously exposed to images of the “thin ideal” in our media....

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