Tag: experts by experience

advocacy My Kid is Back: Calling families with experience of an eating disorder and family-based treatment

My Kid is Back: Calling families with experience of an eating disorder and family-based treatment


Exciting news! Professor Daniel Le Grange and I are writing an update to the first edition of My Kid is Back – Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa.  Families who have participated in Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for a child with Anorexia Nervosa (AN) are warmly invited to share their stories...

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advocacy Sharing our story gives others permission to share their story too

Sharing our story gives others permission to share their story too


As I ‘came out’ and began to share my story publicly through my memoir, A Girl Called Tim (2011), an amazing thing happened. Shame, stigma, and secrets that had been the bane of my life for decades, were quelled. Rather than remain quiet, my diaries ‘came out’ too. For instance,...

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advocacy Things I learned from my eating disorder 

Things I learned from my eating disorder 


Almost three years have passed since I began to recover from anorexia nervosa. In July 2020, my 65th birthday was coming up and I could not remember a time without eating disorder thoughts and behaviors. Eating disorders are devious and sneaky; mine defied discovery for decades. Now I know better,...

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Recognition that ‘experience’ experts can help ED recovery


Eating disorder conferences — what purpose do they serve? Increasingly, they are becoming a sounding board for stories of recovery and ongoing healing. Right now I am returning home from the 26th international conference on eating disorders, convened by the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED). This year, more than 1400...

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