Tag: guilt

Eating Disorders How motherhood inspired this dancer to heal from her eating disorder

How motherhood inspired this dancer to heal from her eating disorder


“I HAD an eating disorder.” This sentence has left my mouth frequently over the past two decades. I was 19-years-old when diagnosed with an eating disorder (ED). At the time, I had no idea that cutting out refined sugar and carbohydrates as a method to get in shape would spiral...

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Eating Disorders Is gaining weight the worst outcome for me during a global pandemic?

Is gaining weight the worst outcome for me during a global pandemic?


I have pondered this question repeatedly for the past few months. Sometimes it has kept me awake at night, because what if ‘it’ happens while I am not paying attention? What if the weight creeps in unannounced and I can’t do anything to stop it?  I panic. “I can’t let...

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Eating Disorders A talk on body confidence in children hits home with mother

A talk on body confidence in children hits home with mother


It was like receiving a great big slap in the face. Sitting with my friend Lisa in an auditorium surrounded by a bunch of strangers, my mind was wondering, ‘Do they all know about me?’, ‘I wonder if any of them have an eating disorder?’ Instantly, my insecurities set in; I felt like a big neon sign was astride my head, flashing ‘Eating disorder...

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