World Eating Disorder Day June 2, 2017

World Eating Disorder Day June 2, 2017

This year’s theme #WeDoActTogether is about the important partnerships that move the field forward; affected people, carers, clinicians, and researchers are all vital to this process. This year we want to recognize and drive those important engagements and we need your help to do it.

Please follow us on our social media platforms:

Website: World Eating Disorders Day
Facebook: World Eating Disorders Day
Instagram: @worldeatingdisordersaction
Twitter: @WorldEDday
Snapchat: WorldEatingDisorderDay

Diana has experienced eating disorders and recovery firsthand, with herself and her daughter. She co-founded The Diary Healer website with June Alexander and has written several blog posts based on her personal experiences in the hope that sharing her stories will give others a sense of community and connection, and give herself some perspective and healing along the way. If you would like to contact Diana, she can be reached at

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