I never thought that at 16 years old I would forget who I was. I want to emphasize the word ‘forget’ because I did not choose to transform into someone I could not recognize. I did not choose to have my brain so thickly clouded that I could not remember...
How are you coping with your eating disorder (ED) during the COVID-19 pandemic? Even if, like me, you have been in recovery or recovered from the illness for some years, the social and physical isolation restrictions enforced by our health providers and governments to fight the virus spread, have probably...
To mark the fourth annual World Eating Disorders Action Day on June 2, this story is the first in a series on the 2019 theme, “Eating Disorders: We Can’t Afford to Wait”. By Susan Ringwood We’ve been waiting for a long time. Anorexia Nervosa was first formally described by Sir...
New Zealand Eating Disorders Clinic (NZEDC) Presents: Hope Night Inspiring Hope and Advocating that Recovery is Possible NZEDC is hosting a ‘Hope Night’ for people who are struggling with eating disorders and their families. The purpose of the night is to ‘inspire hope and advocate that recovery is possible.’...
October 9-10, 2017 in Perth, Australia This is a separate workshop series provided to patients, caregivers, and health practitioners. Detailed information: June Alexander Workshops (002) Also, for more information about June’s workshops, including testimonials from organizer’s of recent presentations, please visit our Workshops & Courses page.
In June 2017, Clinical psychologist Dr. Rachel Bachner-Melman, from the Ruppin Academic Center and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, concluded a keynote lecture to Israeli eating disorder professionals on Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa (SEAN) with this three minute video in which June Alexander describes her story in brief, and what aspects of therapy she found useful in...
“The chatter today has been about how good your workshop was and how we can make use of the diary and the skills… so you have left us all with good memories and lots of tools to support our work people who use the service. And, some weeks later I discovered...
Hashtag Diversity: Dialogue in the Eating Disorders Field Through Social Media Engagement Workshop Session 2: Co-presentation with Andrea LaMarre (Canada), Ashley Solomon (USA) and Judy K (Israel). June 9, 2017: 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. For more information: #Hashtage Diversity_Prague 2017
We proudly celebrate and advocate World Eating Disorders Day today! To commemorate this important mission, we have posted a seven week series of Dear Diary posts focused on this year’s World Eating Disorders Day relationships theme. In addition, June participated in an special interview June Alexander: My Diary and Me,...
ANZAED 2017 Conference Workshop Presentation by Anthea Fursland, Stephen Touyz, and June Alexander This workshop will attempt to address some extremely difficult, challenging and important questions, such as: What are the criteria for Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa (SEAN)? Should we tailor treatments for SEAN? Should we give up on...
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