Category: Mentor

advocacy Eating disorders are no match for memoirist Betsy Brenner

Eating disorders are no match for memoirist Betsy Brenner


A silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020-2021, was the gift of time to embark on the incredible journey of writing my memoir The Longest Match: Rallying to Defeat an Eating Disorder in Midlife. A project of this magnitude always seemed daunting but as soon as I began pouring through...

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June's Writing Clan Turning 80 can mark exciting opportunities for fresh starts

Turning 80 can mark exciting opportunities for fresh starts


When I turned 80, I felt that my life was almost over. Deciding I needed some social connection and a new challenge, I joined June’s local community writing group. A year later, I have published my first book. Rather than stay at home and feel sorry for myself, I went...

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advocacy Take a self-discovery tour – write your story

Take a self-discovery tour – write your story


So, you want to write your memoir? A memoir is a story about part of your life. What part do you most want to write about? Why? My memoir, A Girl Called Tim, is about my life with an eating disorder from age 11 to age 55. As I entered...

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Life Stories Diary Where do I start? Everyone has their own childhood story to untangle

Where do I start? Everyone has their own childhood story to untangle


Where do I start? I had a very, very weird childhood. Some people have the religious trauma, some have the undiagnosed neurodiversity factors, some have the abusive father factor, some have the poverty angle – I’ve had all that and then some. But I know I need to start dredging through all this....

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June's Writing Clan Why I write – the Sunshine Girl

Why I write – the Sunshine Girl


We have progressed a long way in mental health recognition since the 1940s. My message is that our mental health is something to embrace and speak openly about, rather than hide in shame. The Spot Cafe in Portland, a coastal town in Victoria, Australia, was bustling with people, mainly locals....

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advocacy Welcome to Life Stories Diary

Welcome to Life Stories Diary


The Diary Healer has transitioned to this new site with a new aim and a new name. Building on The Diary Healer’s accomplishments, is here to encourage story-sharing and help you write your story. Are you one of the many people who say, ‘I will write my story one...

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advocacy Sharing our story gives others permission to share their story too

Sharing our story gives others permission to share their story too


As I ‘came out’ and began to share my story publicly through my memoir, A Girl Called Tim (2011), an amazing thing happened. Shame, stigma, and secrets that had been the bane of my life for decades, were quelled. Rather than remain quiet, my diaries ‘came out’ too. For instance,...

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memoir Online memoir writing classes provide benefits for all

Online memoir writing classes provide benefits for all


Writing about one’s life is like walking along a gravelled country road, picking up a dusty stone, and giving it a good rub to reveal the gem within. Often all that’s needed is a bit of a dust-off, a sprinkling of self-belief and encouragement, and away we go. Especially when...

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advocacy How my diaries led to a memoir and finding Me

How my diaries led to a memoir and finding Me


When I mentor clients in memoir writing, I explain this can be a three-stage process, depending on their goal. Stage One involves writing the first version of your story for yourself. This is the time to put everything on the table. Don’t hold back. Maybe there are repressed experiences that...

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June's Writing Clan From young child with dreams to old man with wisdom

From young child with dreams to old man with wisdom


Imagine you are very old, and you are travelling back in time, as a child, as an adult, and as a senior — Frank Upfill, octogenarian and member of June’s Writing Clan, takes us on a ride:  “How did you go at golf today?” Before I can answer, my friend Annette...

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