Category: motherhood

advocacy When the eating disorder is all you can hear

When the eating disorder is all you can hear


I have suffered from an eating disorder (ED) for 18 years, and I don’t know how to break free … I would like you to share strategies for those times when my ED is the only thing I can hear.  – M. I want to reach through the email box,...

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advocacy Moments of normalcy bring hope in the daily chaos of eating disorder recovery

Moments of normalcy bring hope in the daily chaos of eating disorder recovery


Our life in survival mode continues. My daughter Summer and I have returned from another hospital admission and, like previously, are struggling to get back on track. The hospital admissions are always destabilising. We had hoped that a switch would magically turn in Summer’s head this time, but darkness remains....

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advocacy My diaries have a new home in the National Library of Australia

My diaries have a new home in the National Library of Australia


My eating disorder has gone to Canberra, Australia’s national capital. The eating disorder has travelled there within the pages of my diary collection, acquired by the National Library of Australia (NLA). There, the eating disorder will be open to public scrutiny. Canberra is an eight-hour road journey from where I...

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Anorexia The ups and downs of a single mother caring for a child with anorexia

The ups and downs of a single mother caring for a child with anorexia


Our journey in the terrifying world of anorexia nervosa continues. We have roller-coasted over the past few months, and my daughter, Summer*, has turned 11. We have made some giant steps forward and a few small ones backward. The biggest one backward is being hospitalised again. Summer had been making...

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advocacy From post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth

From post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth


My son Joe developed anorexia at the age of 12 in 2002. He lost 25 per cent of his body weight in 12 weeks. Since that torrid time, I have known that caring for a loved one with an eating disorder is exhausting, distressing, disorientating, excruciating and terrifying. As with...

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advocacy When a child develops anorexia, their family is plunged into the eating disorder world

When a child develops anorexia, their family is plunged into the eating disorder world


It happened fast. Suddenly we were stuck in this black hole called anorexia nervosa. I had no idea how we’d gotten there so quickly, nor did I know how to get out. My 10-year-old (soon to be 11-year-old) daughter developed anorexia over the past year. Although she had probably already...

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advocacy A reminder that one day the diary that is my life serial will end

A reminder that one day the diary that is my life serial will end


Yesterday was one of those days that did not work out as planned. All went well, initially. I was in the local, heated, 50m outdoor pool by 6.10am, doing a half-hour of prescribed exercises. I love being in the water. Then I came home, showered, and took Maisie for a...

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advocacy Lived experience counsellors take support into the family home

Lived experience counsellors take support into the family home


A new counselling service is providing education and support for those caring for someone with an eating disorder. Eating Disorders Families Australia’s (EDFA) new Fill The Gap counselling service is specifically designed to support eating disorder carers during the often long and exhausting years of supporting a loved one through...

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advocacy Eating Disorder Families Australia launches free counselling for carers

Eating Disorder Families Australia launches free counselling for carers


Recovery from an eating disorder is an incredibly challenging journey – not only for the person experiencing the eating disorder, but also for those who are caring for them. When someone is recovering from an eating disorder, having a professional team around them is vital. A treatment team would typically...

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advocacy Share your story and help parents get their kid back

Share your story and help parents get their kid back


The book My Kid is Back means a lot to me because my parents did not see their kid come back. When I developed anorexia nervosa (AN) at age 11 (shortly after this picture was taken) there was no help for my parents or me. I wish my parents had...

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