Category: social history

Life Stories Diary Where do I start? Everyone has their own childhood story to untangle

Where do I start? Everyone has their own childhood story to untangle


Where do I start? I had a very, very weird childhood. Some people have the religious trauma, some have the undiagnosed neurodiversity… You must be logged in to view this content.

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eating disorders Look, listen and write – there are stories in everyday life

Look, listen and write – there are stories in everyday life


Supermarkets are more than a place to purchase groceries. They are also a place to gather stories. And the extra good news is that these stories, which nourish our soul, are free. The stories won’t be found on shelves. They will be found in the aisles, in many shapes and...

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memoir Online memoir writing classes provide benefits for all

Online memoir writing classes provide benefits for all


Writing about one’s life is like walking along a gravelled country road, picking up a dusty stone, and giving it a good rub to reveal the gem within. Often all that’s needed is a bit of a dust-off, a sprinkling of self-belief and encouragement, and away we go. Especially when...

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