I am currently a college student, but when I graduate, I plan to get a job where I can help people. Since I was in the third grade, I have had a strong desire to help others and fight for issues in which I believe. That passion has not left me; I do not think it ever will. I have already created my own website to help others. My website is for people with eating disorders, their supporters, and the general public. Through my website, I found www.lifestoriesdiary.com and connecting like this is helping to get my story out there. I have already shared it with many influential people in the eating disorder community and presented it at my school. I do not know the fate of this site, but I hope that whatever happens, someone is helped in some way.
I usually say it all started in 2020 when I was 14, but I don’t know if that’s true. I mean, yeah, that’s when I began to lose weight, but I hated myself well before then. My family had been on and off “family diets” since I was young. I started being, by society’s standards,..
In this free podcast, Dr June Alexander reads her memoir, written almost entirely from her diaries, which she began writing at the age of 12.
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Do you want to write your story but need some guidance? Professional one-on-one memoir mentoring offers numerous benefits.
The Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) Radio 774, in the Conversation Hour on January 13, discussed the effects of food shortages due to the pandemic. I describe the impact on people with eating disorders.
My segment starts 34.30 mark.
The diary, a book in which a daily record of events and personal experiences can be kept, offers a window into life in the past.
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Life Stories Diary offers a safe and supportive environment in which to share your story. Sharing your story can help you to develop a sense of belonging and connectedness with self and others.
Share Your StoryThe knowledge communicated on this website is for informational purposes only. June is not a therapist, doctor, dietitian, or mental healthcare practitioner, and therefore does not provide medical advice.
© 2025 Life Stories Diary. All rights reserved.
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