I am not anorexic. I never was anorexic. I am in recovery from anorexia, which is a parasitic, all-consuming mental condition that sucked the joy out of every aspect of my life like a Dementor*. But even though anorexia controlled most of my life, I never wanted it to be...
Fifty years ago, Man landed on the Moon. As an 18-year-old exchange student studying in the United States at the time, my memory is vivid of this historic moment. My memory is not so much of the grey, grainy, ghostlike outline of men in white spacesuits stepping gingerly out to...
Fifty years ago, Man landed on the Moon. As an 18-year-old exchange student studying in the United States at the time, my memory is vivid of this historic moment. My memory is not so much of the grey, grainy, ghostlike outline of men in white spacesuits stepping gingerly out to...
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