… i got your book A Girl Called Tim out of the library and i literally read the whole thing in one day because i just couldnt put it down … it was the first book i have ever read that describes exactly how i feel … i wish that...
Can you remember when you first thought, “I want to write my story”? What was the motivating factor that led to this thought? Or did a close friend or family member convince you that writing your memoir must go on your list of things to do? A memoir can take...
Imagine you are very old, and you are travelling back in time, as a child, as an adult, and as a senior — Frank Upfill, octogenarian and member of June’s Writing Clan, takes us on a ride: “How did you go at golf today?” Before I can answer, my friend Annette...
Unknown number comes up on my phone. I hesitate to answer but decide it might be important. There is a woman’s voice on the other end of the line. She begins to ramble on to me. Repeat words jump out at me, words like, “Domestic violence!” “Children in need…what a...
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