Tag: photography

COVID-19 pandemic Everyday lessons in building resilience through the pandemic

Everyday lessons in building resilience through the pandemic


“I have a great idea. I’m going to write and photograph a book documenting life throughout the pandemic of 2020. —My diary, New Year’s Eve 2020 Just like that, I leapt headfirst into the new and lengthy process of writing a book. To this day, I still feel the strong...

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COVID-19 pandemic Picture this: a creative solution to managing eating disorder recovery and surviving the pandemic

Picture this: a creative solution to managing eating disorder recovery and surviving the pandemic


Sam Tench was recovering from a major life challenge when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020. She had just hit upon writing and photography as a way of cultivating connection with her healthy self after years in the clutches of a long-term eating disorder. Only a month or two...

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Eating Disorders Picturing a world without my eating disorder

Picturing a world without my eating disorder


Like most things in life, there are many types of photography. Landscape, portrait, wildlife, aerial, macro, abstract, the list goes on. Each form of photography requires a slightly different set of knowledge and skillsets, for example, the way you set up a camera, choose a lens and structure your composition...

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