Tag: Shannon Calvert

Bringing the voice of eating disorder experience to the clinicians’ table


By June Alexander, Shannon Calvert, and Dr. Anthea Fursland “I took a deep breath and hit ‘send.’ I had promised myself that in recovery I would choose courage every day of my life, for my life.” – Shannon Calvert In the past, Shannon felt ready to die from her eating...

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Do you feel ready to share your eating disorder story with others?


Sometimes, sharing a secret with others we have never met, online, can seem easier to do than in a room with someone we have known all of our life. Stories can be shared in many ways: face-to-face, by letter or email, in mainstream media or on the Internet. Some online...

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Finding strength in sharing feelings in verse


Do you find poetry a helpful way to express your feelings? Are you one of the many people who find writing verse to be a comforting coping and healing tool? Our first competition on www.lifestoriesdiary.com invites original poems or prose, exploring this theme. Hurry and submit your entry – four...

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