Fashioning a memoir out of a diary requires threads and themes to be picked up and woven into a story that the writer and publisher believes will appeal to and connect with readers. Many re-writes may occur in selecting raw material, structure and content. Much of the daily repetition and drudgery is deleted during this importance process. A diarist writes today with no certainty of what tomorrow will bring. A memoirist, however, contains their story within a framework that has a beginning and an end.
Make initial contact by emailing:
In this first email, to enable a thorough and helpful assessment, briefly describe your work or proposed work. Address the following questions:
At all times you may expect:
Mentoring covers discussion of a work at any stage from initial idea to completion; specific advice; review of a synopsis or manuscript proposal; proof reading; structural editing and copy editing. It includes reading, writing responses, editing passages as examples, workshops and email or telephone consultations.
Mentoring involves a number of text exchanges between writer and editor – this is more comprehensive and time-consuming and therefore more expensive. The extra effort shines through in the result.
Length of mentoring time and mentoring fees will be negotiated prior to commencement.
Mentoring can take place via email, Skype or phone.
Editing has two aspects:
Structural or composition editing
An assessment provides constructive feedback on big picture elements and suggests ways to improve your work. An example is telling a story chronologically, or using flashbacks.
Copy editing
Your manuscript is edited in close detail and comments and suggestions are tracked for consideration. Examples include grammar, tenses and word flow. At all times the writer will make decisions based on information supplied.
Structural and copy editing can be carried out concurrently, or separately.
Editing can be a ‘one-off’ service for a particular piece of writing. In a mentor relationship it is one aspect of work required (described above) to complete the to complete the story.
Manuscript assessment
Structural editing (assessment of manuscript only) – Up to 5000 words, $60 per hour (maximum $180).
Copy editing (editing of content) – Up to 5000 words, $60 per hour (maximum $250).
Structural editing and copy editing – Up to 5000 words, $60 per hour (maximum $330).
Costs thereafter are on a sliding scale.
For instance:
20,000 to 25,000 words – Structural editing ($350); copy editing ($450); structural and copy editing ($650).
65,000 to 70,000 words – Structural editing ($450); copy editing ($800); structural editing and copy editing ($950).
95,000 to 100,000 words – Structural editing ($650); copy editing ($1000); structural editing and copy editing ($1250).
Additional charges for editing may apply, depending on the amount of editing required. In such cases, the writer will be informed before editing starts. The above fees apply for one reading. If the text is returned for more editing/assessment, additional fees will apply as per the above scale or by arrangement.
The mentoring fee will take into account the amount of communication and work required to complete the writing project. This will be discussed at the outset and work will proceed as soon as agreement is reached. The initial fee of $75 covers the cost of a written assessment on steps required to complete your project.
All material submitted must be double line-spaced, in 12-point type with generous margin. Pages are to be numbered bottom right corner. Include a title page with the following details: Your name, name of work, contact details (phone/email/postal address).
Send your manuscript as an attachment (Microsoft Word file). Editing will be tracked on line and returned on line.
If you prefer hard copy, retain your original work and send a copy, unbound and secured with elastic bands in secure envelope. Include postage for its return.