Tag: excessive exercise

advocacy Athleticism, anorexia and addiction: endurance for eating disorder recovery

Athleticism, anorexia and addiction: endurance for eating disorder recovery


It’s a common nightmare; one you may experience upon reviewing your physical training and racing schedule…. You’re in a race or being chased — swimming from a big fish, fleeing from a big bear or sprinting towards a big finish. You know how to run, remember what it feels like...

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Anorexia Autism and eating disorders: a journey of acceptance and awareness

Autism and eating disorders: a journey of acceptance and awareness


Today is what I’ve come to call a disorder day—an unpleasant, often unpredictable, pill-popping, anxiety-ridden, hold fast to whatever sane or stable thing that you can, just want to get through it kinda day. For anyone immune to these dis-orderly durations of agitation and agony—congrats, you are living a great...

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Eating Disorders This Girl Rising: online self-help eating disorder program fills gap

This Girl Rising: online self-help eating disorder program fills gap


By Michelle Southern and Jennifer Hamer Two Australian-based women, Michelle and Jennifer, have created an online self-help eating disorder program to help address gaps in accessible and adequate treatment and care. Michelle and Jennifer bring first-hand understanding to the fore — their lives, studies and careers have been shaped through...

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