Tag: recovery

Eating Disorders Surviving Anorexia Nervosa and COVID-19

Surviving Anorexia Nervosa and COVID-19


I knew before the doctor spoke, but that didn’t stop the fear coursing through my body that was curled in a ball on the blanket-laden hospital bed. “Oh ‘shoot’,” I said through tears. “Yes,” he said. I knew this diagnosis was “not good,” but I didn’t realize having Anorexia Nervosa...

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Eating Disorders The evolution of a diary into a self-healer

The evolution of a diary into a self-healer


My first diary was a Christmas gift in 1962, the same year I developed anorexia nervosa. I was 11 years old. The diary and I bonded immediately and diary-writing has been part of my life every day since. The entry for January 1, 1963, is crammed with details of food...

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Eating Disorders Recovery IS Possible Across the Lifespan

Recovery IS Possible Across the Lifespan


Eating disorders don’t only affect children and teenagers. They affect people across their lifespan. If you are an adult experiencing eating disorder symptoms, the good news is that recovery is possible. For 44 years, from age 11 to 55, an eating disorder locked me in a cell in my mind....

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Dear Diary Transforming lived-experience into peer support – an innovation in eating disorder recovery

Transforming lived-experience into peer support – an innovation in eating disorder recovery


People who recover from an eating disorder represent a great repository of untapped potential in helping others to heal from this complex illness. This Friday, August 23, together with Olivia Soho and Carly Harris, I will present a workshop that explores peer support and mentoring as an innovative approach in...

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Life Writing Stories have a role in evidence-based science

Stories have a role in evidence-based science

By June Alexander Increasingly, stories have a role in science. For instance scientific eating conferences are becoming a sounding board for stories of recovery and ongoing healing. This month I attended the 26thinternational conference on eating disorders, convened by the Academy for Eating Disorders(AED). This year, more than 1400 registrations...

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Binge-writing: The role of narrative in my eating disorder recovery


‘Your life is your story. Make it amazing.’  by Ari Snaevarsson Whenever I think of the tools that were instrumental to my recovery, a few always come to mind: accountability through a support system, exercise that emphasized strength and not punishment, and meditation.  But there was one tool that consistently...

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Is anorexia planning its revenge? The reality of recovery


I’m afraid of ruined teeth, bent back, and not able to have a child  by Špela Kranjec I had anorexia nervosa. It’s no longer a secret. Even though I was ashamed and hid my condition for nine years, I can speak openly about it today. I even wrote a book...

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Breaking the engagement with ED, the secretive, obsessive lover


by June Alexander and Emily Murray What happens when you become engaged and marry while experiencing an eating disorder? To illustrate what can happen, here are two love stories. The first story is mine, which began when I was 16 and fell in love with George, and the second belongs...

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Entering mainstream: Building a relationship with self and others after ‘Ed’


Relationships can raise fresh challenges for people re-entering mainstream after a long-term eating disorder. Social and interpersonal skills may be lacking, and stigma and shame may be experienced in both community and workplace.  Today, Jenni G, who participated in an ED recovery program in 2016, reflects on adapting to mainstream...

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Books Did my recovery experience have to be so tortuous? Could the diary help?

Did my recovery experience have to be so tortuous? Could the diary help?


Did my recovery experience have to be so tortuous? Could the diary have provided a more pro-active role in healing? I wanted to find out. Above all, the catalyst for my book The Diary Healer was a desire to explore and reveal the potential of diary writing as a therapeutic tool in self-renewal...

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