Anthea Fursland

Anthea Fursland

All Articles by Anthea Fursland

Anthea has worked for nearly 40 years in the eating disorders field, with previous experience in the UK and the USA. Now living in Perth, Australia, she began the Eating Disorders Program at the Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) and is now Director of the Western Australia Eating Disorders Outreach & Consultation Service (WAEDOCS).

Anthea is involved in applied clinical research, service development, supervision, consultation and training (of primary care doctors, mental health practitioners and carers). She has trained and supervised clinicians throughout Australia in CBT-E. She has co-authored many peer-reviewed papers and created a web-based self-help resource.

Anthea serves on the Steering Committee of the National Eating Disorders Collaboration. She is past-president and current executive committee member of the Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED). In 2011 she was elected a Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED); in 2015 she was awarded the ANZAED Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 2019 she received the AED Outstanding Clinician Award.

More Medicare support for Australians with eating disorders

By Dr. Anthea Fursland Australians with an eating disorder are about to gain greater access to Medicare reimbursed evidence-based treatment. This is an enormous step forward and will benefit many people with eating disorders. A huge amount of work has gone into this change, and we have to thank the National Eating Disorders Collaboration and..

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Eating disorders are serious and we need to keep spreading this message

There is an urgency to understand the social, psychological, and biological influences on eating disorders: how they develop and what keeps them going. Clinician Anthea Fursland explains why. It is nearly 40 years since my first professional encounter with eating disorders. The year was 1980 and the place was the Atkinson Morley Clinic at St..

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