Writing Groups for Individuals and Communities

Enriching our social history through community memoir writing

Join an online writing group…

and be part of a community

Community and group writing is rewarding for all participants and, when each person’s story is collated into a book, our social history is enriched.

Participants describe the process as therapeutic, healing and invigorating. A fresh lease on life occurs for many participants as, in writing their story, and sharing it with others, they can see that their life has purpose and meaning – at every age.

Be part of a writing group experience
and preserve your story

When we share our stories, we experience contentment. We develop feelings of connection, and conversation flows more easily. New thoughts are encouraged, hidden memories are uncovered, and fresh perspectives are inspired. Our soul feels nurtured.

Story-sharing adds shine to our life and that of others.

I offer online group writing classes for eight to 12 participants at a time. All you need to start is a desire to write. The group thrives on sharing in a safe and supportive environment and developing each person’s individual story-writing skills.

Group sessions are also offered where participants already share a bond with a special interest and want to create stories about that — such as family, workplace, hobbies, recreation, friendship, parenthood, community, and mental or physical health challenges.

Narrative guidance is provided every step of the way. Fun and fulfilment abound. Sessions are held via Zoom and written work is submitted via email. Together we produce a manuscript of professional quality that adds meaning to your life and to all who read your story.

Interested? Let’s make it happen.

Are you interested in writing your memoir from the comfort of your own home?

I offer group online memoir writing courses, where we will work together to produce your personal history.


Interested in one-on-one writing mentoring sessions?