Jessica turned 38 years old on the day that her story was posted on The Diary Healer. After reading her insightful account and seeing the photo of her carefully cradling her newborn child, flanked by her two daughters, I asked myself, “Is this the same person you treated for restrictive anorexia nervosa a quarter-century ago? ..
You are a “good enough” parent. Remember this. Twelve years after launching a blog to raise awareness of eating disorders, your stories continue to shine brightly on the dark crevices where the eating disorder hides. Your stories help us to help each other. Recently, a mother emailed from Europe. She had read a 2019 post on..
The second article in a “patient and doctor” series on understanding eating disorders Dr. Richard Kreipe’s recollection of treating Audry After more than five years of treatment for restrictive anorexia nervosa in various inpatient and outpatient settings in which she was unable to achieve or maintain a minimal healthy body weight, Audry was branded as..
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