Hannah Rose

Hannah Rose

All Articles by Hannah Rose

A sunshine enthusiast, Hannah Rose is a college student who thrives most in forging deep one-on-one connections. Listening to people’s stories and seeking out truth are where her passions lie. Cycling, ice cream outings, exploring the woods, barefoot soccer games, and touring bookstores are some of her other life-giving hobbies. Her creative space is most often engaged through inventing new recipes or playing with mixed media art. She describes herself as having a strong tendency towards being scatterbrained, and some days she’s appreciative that breathing is involuntary. But her affinity for her color-coded planner, Narnia music, and alone time with her Savior keep her sanity leveled… most of the time.

Having been born in South Florida and currently residing in northwest Arkansas, she is excited to travel wherever her graduate studies lead, which will be in dietetics. Her yearning to develop eating disorder education and awareness stem from her personal struggles with anorexia nervosa and orthorexia.

Contact: roseh@jbu.edu

Eating disorder recovery fight inspires researcher to develop parent education course

Eating disorder. Those words were not foreign. After a year researching this mental health issue, I could explain female athlete triad syndrome, binge eating disorder, atypical anorexia, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and anorexia nervosa. As a college junior in Family and Human Services, intending to later become an eating disorder dietitian, I looked forward to stepping into..

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