Tag: ageing

advocacy A reminder that one day the diary that is my life serial will end

A reminder that one day the diary that is my life serial will end


Yesterday was one of those days that did not work out as planned. All went well, initially. I was in the local, heated, 50m outdoor pool by 6.10am, doing a half-hour of prescribed exercises. I love being in the water. Then I came home, showered, and took Maisie for a...

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Anorexia Aging and Eating Disorders – recovery is worthwhile at every age

Aging and Eating Disorders – recovery is worthwhile at every age


For 55 of my 67 years, I have struggled with an eating disorder, namely anorexia nervosa. I wasn’t formally diagnosed until age 65, about which I can only say, “Better late than never.” Because I didn’t shrink my body enough to cause alarm, I was able to fly under the...

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