Tag: Anthea Fursland

Bringing the voice of eating disorder experience to the clinicians’ table


By June Alexander, Shannon Calvert, and Dr. Anthea Fursland “I took a deep breath and hit ‘send.’ I had promised myself that in recovery I would choose courage every day of my life, for my life.” – Shannon Calvert In the past, Shannon felt ready to die from her eating...

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Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa – What are our goals and should we ever give up?


ANZAED 2017 Conference Workshop Presentation by Anthea Fursland, Stephen Touyz, and June Alexander This workshop will attempt to address some extremely difficult, challenging and important questions, such as: What are the criteria for Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa (SEAN)? Should we tailor treatments for SEAN? Should we give up on...

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