Tag: healing

Eating Disorders Stepping out with stories to educate eating disorder clinicians

Stepping out with stories to educate eating disorder clinicians


Today, I pushed another hole in the prison wall that an eating disorder erected in my brain at age 11. That wall effectively disconnected my healthy self from my body until I was 55. Thirteen years on, eating three meals and three snacks a day without guilt, shame and self-loathing...

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Dear Diary It’s time to be visible, be loud, be a nuisance about eating disorders

It’s time to be visible, be loud, be a nuisance about eating disorders


To mark the fourth annual World Eating Disorders Action Day on June 2, this story is the first in a series on the 2019 theme, “Eating Disorders: We Can’t Afford to Wait”. By Susan Ringwood We’ve been waiting for a long time. Anorexia Nervosa was first formally described by Sir...

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How animals help us to heal and find meaning and purpose in life


by June Alexander I don’t need to read research papers to know that pets are good for me. For me and many others, animals contribute to feelings of well-being. They teach about love and living in the moment. They are a best buddy in coping with illness, relationship breakups, grief,...

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Listen to June Alexander speak about writing on the Creating Space Project podcast


To hear how diary writing has helped June to heal from an eating disorder, listen here as she speaks to Ruth Nelson on the Creating Space Project podcast series. In this podcast series, Ruth interviews women and asks them for a personal story. By exploring this way of using her skills as a psychologist...

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Books Did my recovery experience have to be so tortuous? Could the diary help?

Did my recovery experience have to be so tortuous? Could the diary help?


Did my recovery experience have to be so tortuous? Could the diary have provided a more pro-active role in healing? I wanted to find out. Above all, the catalyst for my book The Diary Healer was a desire to explore and reveal the potential of diary writing as a therapeutic tool in self-renewal...

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Books Announcing: the birth of The Diary Healer

Announcing: the birth of The Diary Healer


I am delighted and excited to announce the birth of my book affectionately known as The Diary Healer… I am deeply grateful for the many generous contributions, together with ongoing assistance, guidance and encouragement in the creation of this book, a three-year journey which has led to many friendships being formed,...

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Turn the page on ED with an empowering gift this Christmas

Christmas Day, December 25, is a deeply meaningful time for many of us. However, some of the typically warm and cosy aspects of this annual Christian event revolve around food and family, and can fill some of us with dread. If you are feeling bleak and anxious about how you...

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When the eating disorder is all you can hear

I have suffered with an eating disorder (ED) for 18 years and I don’t know how to break free … I would like you to share  strategies for those times when my ED is the only thing I can hear.  – K. I just want to take ‘K’ by the hand...

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