Tag: Nine Truths about Eating Disorders

Sharing my eating disorder story with my children


After realizing that many years of what felt like ‘normal’ behavior was really a life deeply rooted in an eating disorder, the realities of the disorder and recovery started to quickly take shape. Initially, I was extremely secretive of my eating disorder and recovery. Shame, guilt, and fear of judgment...

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Global eating disorder day a catalyst for hope and action


I can see that, for many years, since I fell prey to anorexia nervosa, much of my creative energy has been wasted in a negative way, for I have turned it on myself; my own private obsession with food has robbed me of my true self…          ...

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Eating Disorders Hear our Voice on World Eating Disorders Action Day, June 2

Hear our Voice on World Eating Disorders Action Day, June 2


Arising sleepy-eyed at 5.am. for an international teleconference with wide-awake women in the northern hemisphere is part of the fun of helping to arrange our world’s first ever Eating Disorders Action Day. I love it. The first World Eating Disorders Action Day will take place on June 2, 2016 and generate...

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