Hope and trust – a winning duo against anorexia

Hope and trust – a winning duo against anorexia

Is recovery from chronic anorexia nervosa possible? Throughout my long illness, I clung to a thread of hope that despite my late start in seeking help – I was in my late 20s –  I could regain my life and break free from the eating disorder’s debilitating effects.

Somehow, thanks to wonderfully patient health professionals and the love of my family and friends, I defied the odds and got there. The secret was to get the courage to dare to trust in the patient guidance of those who could help me. Add trust to  hope and I had the makings of a winning combination. I could let ‘Ed’ go.

Now, it is exciting to see evidence-based research revealing that yes, indeed, there is hope at every age. No matter what your age, you can achieve improvement in your quality of life – and yes, gain your freedom. Importantly, to get started, you need someone who believes in you –  the real you – and (equally important) who you can trust.

Come along and listen with me to Professor Stephen Touyz discuss his latest research findings in Brisbane at the At Home with Eating Disorders Conference, May 24-25.

And read Carrie Arnold’s every-helpful latest blog:

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