Symptoms of an eating disorder are often misdiagnosed, thereby prolonging the suffering of both the patient and their family. Often, the ED is accompanied by other mental health challenges…for instance, I experienced chronic anxiety and depression, in addition to anorexia nervosa. I am dedicated to help raise awareness of this reality and therefore with great pleasure welcome this news from Claire Middleton today. I invite you to help spread the word:
You probably know what mental ill health is. But do you know what it looks like in Australia?
Every day, seven Australians commit suicide. More than 200 attempt to.
Mental ill health is costing our country dearly in lives, in productivity and in dollars – close to $40 billion per year.
Our mental health system is in crisis. We need your help to end this madness.
Australians for Mental Health is a new, national advocacy campaign that aims to make real change in the lives of people suffering mental ill health. Ahead of the next Federal election, Australians for Mental Health will lead a coordinated, grassroots campaign to place increasing pressure on all politicians and political parties to make mental ill health a key election issue.
With your support, we can lobby political leaders to address the lack and ineffectiveness of current mental health services, boost funding, and deliver on commitments.
I’ve joined the Australians for Mental Health movement and I’m asking you to please join me.
Add your name, and your voice, to the movement at
Thank you,