Caring starts young; let’s act like Amelia and care for our young

Caring starts young; let’s act like Amelia and care for our young

IMG_4331Carers come in all shapes and sizes, my youngest being four-year-old grand-daughter Amelia. Amelia provides light relief and perfect balance to my writing passion for raising awareness of eating disorders.

This week on a grandma visit, Amelia got busy looking through my kitchen drawers to find a plastic shopping bag.

She then asked for a pair of scissors and within seconds created Version 2 of her baby sling for Cindy Doll (she points out that this version includes slots for Cindy’s arms, as well as legs, to be free). So thoughtful, I’m sure you agree.

wed_logoAmelia, besides loving her dolls, and making considerate observations about my welfare on every visit, also fuels me with great determination and inspiration.

I want her generation to grow up in a world that understands the seriousness of eating disorders, a caring world that provides swift, evidence-based, early intervention. This is why I am proud to be serving on the steering committee for our first-ever World Eating Disorders Action Day, June 2, 2016.

Right now I am excited to be connecting with people around our world, in gathering stories for ‪#‎WeDoAct‬!blog/xcj8j. Check out this site. Get involved!

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