Gone viral – Love will get us Through

Gone viral – Love will get us Through

Gone viral – Love will get us Through

Together, we will get through this challenging time with COVID-19. I have found comfort in this poem and illustration by Karyn, and hope you do, too. To share your poem or story, write to june@junealexander.com 

By Karyn Braveheart 

This is a bit of a viral picture but like COVID-19 itself, l didn’t know when to stop. It was not until l separated the world from the virus with love that l began to see it made sense. It makes chaotic sense that the world will never be the same again, but we will adjust, and we will remain strong if we focus on the love.

The love that is always there. Even when things seem to be way out of control, the love is the one thing that is solid… or we would not be a world at all.  We would not be who we are, and we may not even be around.

Just like l experienced on my healing journey, l continue to be loved back to life. Woken up and reminded through love that all will be okay and so too will our country and the world. In the haven of our own homes wherever or whatever home is, love will get us through and love for our leaders… political, medical, occupational, therapeutical and so on. Musical, theatrical, beautiful poetical love, will go viral.

Gone Viral



Bloody outrageous

What’s going on?

All the goodness has gone

All the things that we need

Due to individual greed

Well, don’t think you’re safe

Don’t think you will succeed.


In the big, big, picture

We do not need to panic

We do not need to cry

Or store food in the attic

What do we need?

Just to quieten our minds

Look out for our loved ones

Be respectful and kind.

Take care of our pets

Our neighbours, our homes

Make it a haven

When feeling alone.


Gone viral

It’s a spiral

We never expected

But this is the time

Everyone should feel respected.

Listen to our leaders

They are doing their best

But they are not God

So, let Him do the rest.


Gone viral


Is our love

From the heart


For loved ones

Feeling so far apart.

For those who are sick

For those who are grieving

Hold onto your faith

We need something to believe in.


Gone viral

Is my love for you

Whoever you are

May you feel the love too….


By Karyn Braveheart


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