Rachel Egan

Rachel Egan

All Articles by Rachel Egan

Rachel works in one of the UK’s leading mental health charities. She writes for the Huffington Post and is a Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor. She lives in London and graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in Psychology in 2012. She is passionate about getting a better deal for people with eating disorders and wants to see mental health treated as just as important as physical health. Contact:

Blog: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/author/rachel-egan/

Email: rachel@youthmhfa.com

The decline over time: why eating disorders can’t afford to wait

Your story counts:  Rachel Egan (UK) shares her personal experience in addressing the World Eating Disorders Action Day theme  “Eating Disorders: We Can’t Afford to Wait”.  We know that speedy access to eating disorder treatment offers the best chance of a full and long-lasting recovery. We know an eating disorder has a devastating effect on..

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