Tag: parents

advocacy Lived experience counsellors take support into the family home

Lived experience counsellors take support into the family home


A new counselling service is providing education and support for those caring for someone with an eating disorder. Eating Disorders Families Australia’s (EDFA) new Fill The Gap counselling service is specifically designed to support eating disorder carers during the often long and exhausting years of supporting a loved one through...

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advocacy Eating Disorder Families Australia launches free counselling for carers

Eating Disorder Families Australia launches free counselling for carers


Recovery from an eating disorder is an incredibly challenging journey – not only for the person experiencing the eating disorder, but also for those who are caring for them. When someone is recovering from an eating disorder, having a professional team around them is vital. A treatment team would typically...

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advocacy Share your story and help parents get their kid back

Share your story and help parents get their kid back


The book My Kid is Back means a lot to me because my parents did not see their kid come back. When I developed anorexia nervosa (AN) at age 11 (shortly after this picture was taken) there was no help for my parents or me. I wish my parents had...

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advocacy My Kid is Back: Calling families with experience of an eating disorder and family-based treatment

My Kid is Back: Calling families with experience of an eating disorder and family-based treatment


Exciting news! Professor Daniel Le Grange and I are writing an update to the first edition of My Kid is Back – Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa.  Families who have participated in Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for a child with Anorexia Nervosa (AN) are warmly invited to share their stories...

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Eating Disorders Into the Great Wide Open: Family Risk and the Prevention of Eating Disorders (part 2)

Into the Great Wide Open: Family Risk and the Prevention of Eating Disorders (part 2)


In last month’s column, I communicated my surprise that there are no published studies of prevention of disordered eating (DE) and EDs in high-risk (HR) families. This situation exists despite evidence demonstrating genetic risk factors for eating disorders and the value of including families in the treatment of child/adolescent eating disorders...

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Research Research calls for Australian parents and adolescents with eating disorder experience

Research calls for Australian parents and adolescents with eating disorder experience


Recognition is growing that answers for successful treatments for eating disorders are found through listening to patients and their families. Therefore, I hasten to provide details of two research projects at Flinders University, Australia, which offer fresh opportunity for people with experience to share their stories.   If you have...

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Families Parents can’t afford to wait: the price is incalculable

Parents can’t afford to wait: the price is incalculable


We can’t afford delay, apathy, pats on the head, and empty promises. We can’t afford infighting and turfs. The price of losing one more person, destroying one more family, wasting one more opportunity to relieve a human suffering from an eating disorder is too high. – Laura Collins Lyster-Mensh “I’m so...

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